Saturday, January 8, 2011

Remove It From My Dictionary

One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man’s familiarity with
the word “impossible.”- Napolean Hill
These are some of the most inspiring words that I've read this year. Napolean Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich" sets out to impress on the reader about how many of us have been brainwashed into thinking that we are unable to do anything. When Hill wrote his epic textbook on success and business, it was during a time in the early 20th century when America was coming out of the Great Depression. If any group of people had reason to believe that there was no hope, it was the people of that era.
Literally whole life's savings had been wiped out as a result of the financial meltdown of those days. Mom and Pop farms as well as giant financial instiutions found themselves in the same predicament. There was a sumani of pessimism in America and the specter of things getting any better was a far off thought. As a country we were poised on a presipce of failure. A vote of no confidence had been cast for our economy so to have someone come out with a book that encouraged men and women to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and invest, take chances, do whatever it takes to get to realize your dreams, this must have been crazy thinking at best. It borderlined on cruel and unusual punishment on the extreme but Hill knew something that many others needed to here. He heard from sitting at the feet of someone who did know secrets to becoming a person of great wealth and success, even in a country that was going through the battle that America was at that time.
Fast-forward to 2011, ironically, we are in the same place historically. America is coming out the greatest time of financial destruction not seen since the Great Depression. The sense of optimism is eclipsed by our own sense of fear and doubt. But the same possibility to attain great financial as well as social wealth are still there. The same principles that were at work during the 20-40's is still at work today. All it takes is a belief and a DESIRE on individuals to get the ball rolling.
The "Lovely Mrs Ray" and I have set out this year with the clear expectation that we are going to do some outrageous crazy things. Do we have the financial resources to accomplish all of our goals currently? Not even close but that isn't going to stop us from starting on the road to the goal. This is what stops many people. They see things a IMPOSSIBLE from the beginning thus they stop the movement toward attaining their goals. We have chosen to take the word IMPOSSIBLE out of our vocabulary and never allow it to even enter our minds. In so doing we have in the natural realm started a physical movement that will manifest itself. The physical realm and our mental realm bow to our will when we decide to get things done.
This year I have decided to lose some weight, so I excersize, eat right and drink plenty of water and not fattening things as I would normally consume. Have I lost th 50 pounds that I want to lose? Not even close but I have lost 5, in the first week. My DESIRE started me on a path that made my physical self bow to that will. Everyday I get up and DESIRE to lose weight and so physically I do what it takes to make that happen.
Today is the day that you too can make things happen. Without DESIRE you are trapped in a world of impossibility but with DESIRE and eliminating the word IMPOSSIBLE from your vocabulary you open up a world of POSSIBILITIES.

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