2010 was a year of excesses. I lost my job of 15 years the end of 2009 and fully went independent all of 2010. That means that I purposefully didn't try and find a J.O.B. Well, most folks would have screamed at such a notion but I really felt like God was saying to me, "Go for it". So I did. All of 2010 I worked as an independent contractor. I carried an insurance license and started a networking group that has taken on a life of its own this year. The whole thing was a real step of faith but that wasn't the end, it was just the beginning.
In 2011, I really felt like this year would be an accelerated time of pressing in not only in my spiritual life but in my business life as well. So Linda, my wife and I decided to move forward with her business incorporation and if that wasn't enough we were going to take a major step of faith and coordinate a major Mixer/Expo. We call it the Shoot for Success 2011 Mixer and Expo.
This will be by far the biggest thing that we've ever attempted in the business field. Most people would think that we were crazy for even attempting such a thing but let me let you in on a little secret. We've been used before to accomplish tasks that were 10 times larger than this.
Back in 2006 or so Linda and I were asked to help our a ministry in the Las Vegas area. We thought that it was only going to be a momentary bandage type thing but it turned into a 3 year long work. During that time we started 3 major ministries and even coordinated the renovation of a major part of the church. Though we weren't responsible for the budget in that project we were responsible for making the whole thing happen.
God prepares you for events in your life that at the time you think you couldn't possibly ever do. Most people would look and agree with you, in the natural, that there is no way for you to get the job done but those past experiences that you've had prepared you for this current circumstance. All we have to do is trust God that we are able to at least begin the work, He'll walk us through it and complete it.
This is why I am so excited about where we are at in our lives now. We are literally walking in the fruit of the labor that we put in months and years ago in preparation for. Even the people that I've contacted recently, politicians, newspeople and movers and shakers, are all fruit from past preparation.
So don't worry that you feel inadequate for the task before you. Step out in faith and believe that God HAS prepared you adequately for the task. The best part of it all is that all the heavy lifting isn't burdened by you and you alone. You have a partner in all that you do.
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