So I'm reading this book lately. It's written by T Harv Eker and the title to it is "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" The whole premise behind the book is facinating. Harv gets into the psychi of the rich mindset and is able to get you to begin thinking that way too. I've just had a ball reading chapter after chapter and wondering in amazement on how close I am to having the real working mind of a rich guy without have the trappings of all that money. No really. I really do think like a rich guy. I love the thought of having plenty, even an over-abundance of money. I believe that I am supposed to be rich. I even bless those people around me who are filthy rich themselves. Oh yes, I lament for those poor folks out there who don't believe that they too should be living in the lap of luxury.
Harv talks about how there are those people out there that even hate the rich. I know a few of them myself. They are the kind of people who blame everything on the rich. They believe that if only those nasty rich people weren't so rich there would be plenty enough for all of us other poor slobs. They don't have to have 6 cars. They only need 1 or maybe they could just take the bus like the rest of us surfs.
The who thing is pretty heady stuff. One of the things that I truly enjoy about the book is the biblical reasoning behind all of Harv's teachings. Now he may sprinkle in a few shaman and Hawaiian elder beliefs but based upon my extensive knowledge of Old and New Testament Theology ( I graduated Suma Cuma Laud in divinity college) every precept that Harv expouses is found in the bible.
Now before you go turning the page or get clouded eyes, I'm not gonna go Super-Christian on you but I am gonna take the opportunity to tell you that this is what man was meant for.
In the beginning of the bible God told Adam to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. In my book that means for Adam and his offspring to go out and do it up for God. Even Eker in his book says that it is mans greatest thing to do. We are supposed to be creative beings that go out and Jam for the Lamb. OK, I'm trying not to go there but I can't help it.
In short, we are built for greatness. It is the world that is doing everything that it can to tell us NOT to achieve. There is this thing going on in society that tells us not to go out and do extraordinary exploits. The status quo is the order of the day. The person who does go out and blaze a trail is looked at with disdain and ridiculed for being a rebel. Well, that would be me and the people I choose to associate with.
No where in scripture does God tell his people to settle on the meager existence that someone else predestines for them. As a matter of fact, as I read scripture, it says that God got pretty PO'd at the servant that took his money and hid it under a rock. He took that money (talent) gave it to another who would multiply it (use it, make it produce,) and told the servant to get out of his sight.
Now that is how important it is that we all get off of our sweet petunia's and get back in the game of life. I can't tell you how awful it feels to see someone with such great talents not using them. It is wickedness, even a sin,(I feeling kinda funny preaching to myself like this but I need it more than most).
If you want to begin to see some real change in your life, begin by reading T Harv Eker book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". Also don't forget to read your bible on a daily basis. It will take you longer but anything else you read by any other author will become very evident and you can say "Say that sounds like Bible to Me"
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