One of the biggest obstacles to growth is getting past the strongest roadblock to success. Me, Myself and I. That can be a huge hurdle because I am a very opinioate person. Me can be a bit stubborn to change Myself is always second guessing the other two guys decisions.
So how you do settle this connundrum without having the guys in the white jackets take you off in the Ice Cream truck? Well, in my own life I have had to rely on a couple of things that have worked time and time again.
#1 Go with your first instinct. This may seem like a no-brainer but most people can't get past this first obstalce. They are always second and sometimes third guessing themselves. In an effort to "Get it Perfect" on the first shot, they waffle and teeter on a decision to the point where they don't make any move at all.
Case in point is a client that I one had who spent literally months on making a decision that cost his company thousands of dollars. He just couldn't make his mind up. Or another client of mine who was given the proverbial "Goose that laid the golden egg." All he had to do was jump on the opportunity and let the details work themselves out. This was a 6 figure waffle. Which leads me to my second point.
#2 You will make mistakes- Mistakes are part and parcel in the process. Rather than individuals accepting this part of the process,they do everything they can to not make a mistake and there in lies the problem. When you live in a world where you don't proceed because you don't want to make a mistake, you miss opportunites to see newances of your original intent.
What I mean by that is that you will never become innovative if you don't see the green in the brown or the yellow in the orange. You aren't looking for the ancillary effects of your project so when they occur you are oblivious to them. Which leads me to my third and final point.
#3 I can learn from my mistakes- Didn't I just say that? If you aren't willing to move forward because you are afraid of making mistakes then how can you learn from your mistakes?
I was working on a project when someone came in with an idea that blew my original idea out of the water. Rather than wallowing in my own tears, I quickly regrouped and studied what I had been doing. This redirecting of my thinking enabled me to change directions. I learned from this mistake and added to my repetoire a valuable piece. Without making that mistake, I would have never been able to learn from that mistake.
This is your chance to do the same. If you want to continue to move ahead in your business, family or career, don't be afraid to make some decisions, right or wrong and if you do make a mistake learn from it and gone on. Life is too short to look back and say, "If only...
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