The last month or so has been pretty hard on me. I’ve had
some great highs but also some deep lows. On the high side, I’ve been training
for a marathon. This has probably been the most intense thing that I’ve been a
part of. Every other morning I’ve had to rise out of my quite comfortable bed
and beat my mind and body into submission. You see, it isn’t all glamorous
being a runner. The stories of having throngs of well-wishers urging you on
every morning are huge exaggerations. Not only is it a lonely and sometimes
frustrating calling in life but getting out of the bed really sucks.
I’m finally past all of the mind games associated with
running now but it took some time to cross than chasm. My weekend runs are now
half marathons and better. Woohoo… but it would be nice to have a running
partner to share in the pain.
On the low side of the past few months, we felt the loss of
my blessed mother. A few weeks ago I received the call that Mom was going into
the emergency room. When I arrived, she looked healthy and full of spirit but
that was just a façade. My mom was shortly going to change from elderly to
eternal and I would get to witness every last moment of it by her side.
That time passed like an eternity. What was only a few weeks
felt like an endless parade of contradiction and confusion. I knew early on
that this would be the last of my mom’s earthly life. There was that nagging
feeling that her life would soon pass into eternity but it would take just a
little more time. Maybe it was so that we could get our emotional minds around
it. Maybe just so that our far off family could be make arrangements. Whatever
the reason, Mom would linger for a full 2 weeks and then only a few hours after
her priest gave her communion and her final prayers did she slip into the
Fathers arms.
I received the call at 1am. Mom had passed away, come down
and say goodbye.
The last few weeks have been a sobering reminder of my own
mortality and legacy. How do I want to be remembered? What will I leave for my
step-children and my wife? Who will remember me with fond memories? Will anyone
come to my funeral?!!! Only time will tell. Only time will tell.
Sherman Ray is an author, speaker, radio personality and Leadership Development Coach. He is also the founder and President of the Diversity Networking Group. For more information on him or if you would like to book Sherman to speak at one of your company functions go to or
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