Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spread the Love Grow Yourself

I'm currently working on my 6th seminar of this short 2012 season. It's been an exciting time in my life and the ideas are flowing like never before. In the past few months we've produced so much great stuff that I'm going broke buying journals.

This latest seminar is going to be on the subject of catapulting your business and personal into the stratosphere by using 8 critical steps. I'll just share one of them with you here. If you'd like the complete series I'll make it available in the next few weeks.

What is the one thing that sports athletes do when they get to the finish line? It is something that occurs no matter if the athlete is way out in front of they find themselves neck and neck with a competitor. That's right, they stretch to reach the finish line. This is what makes the difference between the person who wins and the person who WINS.

The winner in the game of life, business or whatever is the person who isn't satisfied with just winning. They make a mark on whatever they are doing by going the extra mile, foot or nose to get all they can out of the thing they are putting effort into. In order to really living a life of Dynamic Potential we have to go that extra mile, even when we've "Finally Arrived".

This concept is something that we'll explore in greater depth during my upcoming webinar. Be sure and request to be put on the mailing list so that you can receive all of the notifications on a timely basis.

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