Monday, April 16, 2012

A Runners Lament

This gives me a lot of encouragement. I've been able to fight against my own demons to keep on a fairly regular schedule. It can be a monumental bridge to cross when you've got years of bad habits that don't want to let go and replace them with habits that literally add years to your life, build up your self-esteem and give you rock hard buns...  

Just an update for those of you who are keeping up with my training for the Las Vegas Marathon, scheduled for the end of 2012. I am currently up to 5 miles a day running. WooHoo... That means I've gone from barely being able to make it 400 yards without stopping in January, to consistently making it 5 miles in April. At this rate I will be up to a half marathon on the weekends for a few months way ahead of the date that the actual run is scheduled.
You would think that if we all knew the health benefits of running, swimming or bicycling there would be a line around the  corner to get at the latest gym equipment or workout tape. The truth is "No one wants to work for the good stuff, it hurts too much." As a future millionaire, philanthropist or father-in-law, you've got to get in the habit of doing not just the right things but the hard things in life.
Life is full of people who are satisfied with just getting by. They are at the grocery stores, in the the checkout lines, in the unemployment lines and the first ones in line for government handouts instead of doing everything they can to make it.
I recently listened to this wild man, his name escapes me, but he was all about self-determination, pulling up yourself by your own bootstraps and stuff like that. I love to hear that message being preached. People need to be encouraged to dig deep to get what they want.. Once they've tasted a bit of success and there is some affirmation, then they are more likely to continue.
Each morning when I get up and have to put on those running shoes I'm dreading the pain I know I will have to endure, the mental fatigue and the struggle within my body to stop but I am encouraged by the thought that it is only a mind thing. My body is still capable of making the distance, it's just my mind that needs to get with the program. So I just continue on knowing that if I just stop thinking myself out of victory, then victory is mine. It has to be.
You can have victory also in your life. Stop thinking yourself out of your victory. Refuse to allow self-doubt, self-pity or self-defense to ruin what you are destined for. The victory will be yours if you just continue to do the things that you know should work for good. Like making a cake with the right ingredients, heat and time the product must be a cake. Don't take it out before its time. Let it become what it is supposed to become.
A cake.
So here's to all the runners, emerging stars and success stories. A word of encouragement, that I hope you will take for what it is. You are destined to win, you are destined to rule and yes you are destined to become a great man or woman if you just get out of your own way and become the best YOU.

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