Saturday, October 1, 2011

It’s All a Mindset

It was almost time for me to close the meeting. I only had a few seconds to compose myself and deliver the benediction and send our members on their way. It had been a great meeting. If I didn’t give em something to really seal the deal everything else would have fallen flat. Then it came to me.
Earlier in the week I had the opportunity to speak in front of a Christian businessmen’s meeting. It was great speaking in Christianese and cracking open my bible to this verse and that. The flow in the room was awesome. I mean it was tangible how the ideas and confirmations were being received. Now how could I translate that same course of ideas into my beloved group? It wasn’t long before I found out.
How is it that Jewish people and those who come to our Americas become so influential and rich, while we who were born here don’t prosper on such a large scale? The answer is really found in scripture and the Old Testament. From the time that a young Jewish lad or lady able to understand they are indoctrinated into a cult of success. You heard me right, a CULT of SUCCESS. They are brainwashed into believing that they WILL become Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians, Business owners, Leaders, etc… This isn’t an option for them it is a MINDSET.
The Success mindset is one that has been studied, written about and disseminated in so many books that if I were to begin listing just the ones written in the last quarter century, there wouldn’t be enough paper to list them on. It is the thing that all great business people aspire to acquire and the one thing that separates those who have and those who have not.
The Success mindset goes something like this. You are born to be successful. Everything that you do leads you to a place of completion. You are going to make it to the top of whatever you put your hands to. There is an outside force that is driving you to this ultimate end and there isn’t anything you can do to stop it. You were born to achieve great things. You are to be the head and not the tail. You are to be the lender to many and never to be the borrower. Abundance is deep within your DNA. Aside from times of respite, creative thoughts are continually overflowing from your mind.
This is why Jewish people are so successful. They were taught it from their parents, it was nurtured by their society and they in turn pass this down to their children and their children’s children. When I asked this of one of the people who was in our group, who happens to be Jewish, he nodded in agreement. He didn’t have a choice in life whether to be rich or poor. It was something predestined for him to be. If he wanted to be something other than successful, he would have to find another family. It just wasn’t going to happen in his father’s house.
The key for us today is how are we to foster this same mindset in our own families? Just like the Vanderbilt’s, Kennedys, Rockefellers’ and Schwab’s of this current age, we need to begin by instilling this vision of greatness in our children. Take them with us to our businesses, expose them to great thinkers and sights, let them experience the exchange of barter. These will begin to show our children that working for someone else isn’t in their DNA stain. They were meant to be the Head. I myself am always taking my children and grandchildren with me to events, business conferences and sites to expose them to where they will ultimately be.
This is the Success Mindset. Bind it upon your forehead. Teach it to your children daily. Tell them about the past and show them where they shall be in the future. Never allow them to settle for second best. For they were meant to be the next generation of leaders in our society. They just need someone to show them the way.

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