Alright, so I stopped mid-sentence and decided to change my subject for this weeks blog. I was going to write it about being innovative in business. You know, how to make purple the color of springtime, tall is in and all that stuff. When all of the sudden I saw on the screen, Herman Cain. Many of you know this man. He is one of the nominees for the Republican party to become President of the United States. In recent months he has been really moving up in the rankings of potential nominees.
Mr. Cain was a corporate titan in Burger, Godfathers Pizza and head over the Restaurant Association. No small marks on anyones resume but the thing that gets e going more than anything else is his stance on the folks down at the corner of Wallstreet.
Many of you know what is happening down in the Big Apple. And Herman Cain ain't holdin no punches.
This guy is so passionate about being a full fledged American if he got a cut, he would bleed Red, White and Blue. The coming months will be interesting indeed. Are we watching the making of the next President of the United States? This I don't know but I'm sure excited to see what will happen.
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