Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Am I

I was listening to a renowned author and speaker T Harv Eker, today and as I was listening to him I realized that, just like most of the people who call themselves, "GURU", they all speak truths that I have found in my most favored books. The Bible. Now before you turn off let's face some facts. These people, whether they be Tony Robbins or John Maxwell got their great truths from somewhere. They didn't all just come out of some vacuum. They were passed down the centuries from grandfather to son and down through daughter and mother to Anthony Robbins who now gives it to you and I. Well where did those truths ultimately come from? That's right.
Anyways, here is the great truth that Eker was alluding to. He said that when we look at a problem our final way of dealing with that problem is predicated on how we feel about ourselves. Put another way. We deal with things based upon how we feel about ourselves. If we look at ourselves as though we are small then we will deal with most situations badly because we feel that the situation is so big that little ole us couldn't possibly deal with it.
Eker submits that by growing the US that our problems will begin to get smaller in comparison. Sounds good doesn't it. And in most circles people can deal with that pretty effectively. We get more training, go to rah rah programs or get a LIFE COACH to tell us that we are okay but really are we dealing with the core problem?
In the book of Exodus we meet a man with the same sort of problem His name was Moses. He was a military man who lived in the halls of Pharoahs palace. He commanded the armies and then the construction of vast kingdoms for his adoptive family but when he found himself in the wilderness of the Sinai desert he faced his biggest fears. He stood face to face with God and it was at that point that he had to either put up or shut up and let go and let God.
God told Moses that he had a plan for him and that this entailed going up against his once secure loving family the Egyptians and convince Pharoah to let the Israelites go. Crazy, in the natural yes , but not in the eyes of He who was sending him.
For sake of time and space. We all face those giants in our lives. Whether it be business, family or whatever we all face them. The issue isn't whether you will face them it is HOW you will face them. Will you be like Moses and make excuses on how we can't do things or are we going to just be goofy enough to believe that this inspiration we were given is of God and that if it is, that He will provide a way to accomplish it.
In Moses' case God said that He would provide proofs all along the way to reassure Moses that he wasn't accomplishing anything but that he was mearly a tool. We find this same sort of thing at play whenever we accomplish those big mergers or that chance meeting with the most important person in the company.
I recently added someone to my business and didn't even expect this person to show up. That's when you know it's a God thing.
So, get the training, attend the meetings, do the work but know who ultimately is getting the glory.

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