Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leaders Lead All the Time

Sometimes it is hard to turn off the whole leadership thing. I mean whether I go to family gatherings, social outings or just to watch a show I find myself engaging in activities that I've taught people throughout the years that they should use in their pursuit of getting to the top. But when I teach people about Maxwells Law of
Attraction or the Law of the Lid, I don't mean for it to be a 24hr thing. Hopefully I was thinking, it would be something that they could use on a need only basis but if you are anything like me, you know that once your know the secrets of being a leader, it is impossible to turn them off.

Let's talk abit about some leadership principles that each of us must employ in order to get the job done. Whether you are trying to be the leader in a church or an industrial plant the principles and outcomes are the same. Even if you work in a field where the people are hard to work with, as I did when I worked in the construction field, principles are principles and can be adapted to make them work.

What is Leadership? Leadership is the ability to influence. It is the act of getting people to do what you want them to do for your mutual benefit. There have ben great leaders throughout history and we could spend the rest of time talking about them but each of them whether they were Patton or Jobs were able to influence people to get a job done.

Just because you have never been a formal leader today doesn't mean that you can't learn to be one. There have been 1000's of books written on the subject and countless number of people has gone to seminars and bought these books to develop the skill of being a leader. So don't believe it when someone tells you that you don't have what it takes. Everyone can learn to be a leader. I am convinced that only your desire and exposure to leadership principles and mentoring have kept you from becoming the leader which latentally lies within you.

If you find that your life isn't where you want it to be. If you haven't achieved some great successes in your life yet. When you walk into the room and things don't change as a result of you walking into the room, then maybe it's time for you to start looking at getting on a serious leadership training schedule. It isn't something that you  will learn overnight but it is something that you will develop.
Check out my leadership Development video and see if it doesn't make a difference in your business and life.

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