Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Talk About Success

I have never been one to hold my thoughts. I mean when there is something on my mind I generally will let everyone know about it. This has made for a pretty exciting life. Something can be said for speaking out your dreams and aspirations. Whenever you put your inner thoughts on a celestial plane something magical happens. Those dreams, fears, hesitations, etc… all begin to manifest themselves in our physical world.

Now before you checkout on me and wonder if I have started to go metaphysical or something like that, let me assure you that this is not the case. We all have a power to transform our intangible words into tangible reality. This happens when we merely begin to speak those thoughts into existence.

Sports people call it visualization, MLMers call it get “Jacked Up”, Christians call it “Speaking those things into existence”. This principle is practiced on a daily basis in all walks of life and you can access it too. Here is how.
  • 1.       Decide on what you would like to achieve.
  • 2.       Write down the goal on a 3x5 index card.
  • 3.       Begin to set your mind on the project (meditate on it)
  • 4.        Every chance you have remind yourself of this goal by speaking out loud what your goal is.

“This year I am going to lose 40 pounds. I see myself as getting healthier because I am eating better. At the end of the year I will run in a marathon.”

Don’t worry about if you will achieve your goal or mission but concentrate on getting focus on it. In due time you will begin to experience what you are focusing on if you just systematically continue to focus on the your dream.

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