Saturday, December 24, 2011

Learning Something Everyday

I've been a career student all of my life. Since I was able to discern that there was more out there than what I already knew, I have been in a constant search to develop myself academically and spiritually. To this end, I make it a policy to at least end the day knowing that I have learned something new.

Now learning something new everyday can take on many forms. I can read a book, see a TV show, watch an event in progress and glean something from it but whatever form the learning comes from, I end the day a little bit richer.

Today I learned that I need regular emotional rest. If I don't I can become pretty grumpy and take out my emotional drain on whomever is around me. That didn't take me very long to see that this is an area in my life that needs to be tamed.

My encouragement to all of my readers is that they do the same thing. Take advantage of life's simplest situations and learn from it. There is a lesson in every facet of life. Don't allow a moment to pass you by without learning valuable lessons that will be used down the line..

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