I'm a firm believer in speaking positive words. In a world of excessive negativity and 24/7 news feeds heck you have to speak positive words to your self all day just to keep your own sanity. But today I'm writing about a concept that goes way beyond positive confessions about your situation. Positive confession can do much in the way of setting the tone for your attitude but that's about it.
In the bible, there is a passage of scripture that says that God spoke the world into existence. What the writers of the bible meant was that by the very force of his creative will, God was able to literally manifest in the physical that which He saw in the spiritual. OK, hope you got your mind around that one because we are moving on. God, the creative force in the universe has conveyed that very same creative ability upon us, his creatures. We are not God, we are his ambassadors here on earth. As ambassadors we have the authourity of him who sent us. That would mean that we are able to act in the same capacity of the person we represent.
If I were from Slovinia or Africa, I would have the same authourity as that of a Slovinian or an African. I would have all the riches and access that those countries have. Now let's get back to the focus of our article.
As children of the most powerful being in the universe we have been given a measure of that same creative force that our creator has. Which means that we can manifest (to a certain degree) that which we will to be.
Let's put this concept into practice. If I want to become a rich person, all I have to do is concentrate on becoming that person. I would need to do all the things that it takes to acquire riches and it would occur.
This is pretty simplistic but the point is, "The only person stopping you from becoming, attaining or acquiring anything in this life is you."
If you can dream about a matter, then you can attain it.The only thing that will stand between you getting to that goal is you. Think about the milestone of breaking the 4 minute mile. No one, not even the physicians, thought that man could physically break that barrier. We know now that all of the naysayers were wrong. Once the barrier was broken it became common-place for people to run sub 4minutes.
Now, the torch has been passed to you. What thing do you want to achieve? What milestone do you want to break? Is there a purpose that you feel called to that needs you to be there now? Then get up off the couch of life and get back into the game. You can't hit the ball unless you swing.
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