Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Answer to US Economy

Had a brilliant idea today. The US economy is in its worst shape since the great Depression. During that time nearly 25% of the workforce was on the public dole or just sitting on street corners waiting for something to happen. And happen it did. We had a huge influx of jobs due to wars and the greatest surge of hiring due to the Industrial Age here in the US.
This same sort of infusion needs to occur in American in order for us to just keep up with the pace of people coming into the workforce in the next 20 years. Unlike in past times we can't look forward to a war or some major upheaval to occur, so we need to look at some more obvious tragedies that we can all attack to make things work out for the global community. If America doesn't take the lead in this battle then our competition, i.e. China, Hong Kong, Japan, etc... will.

Operation Africa
Northern Africa is argueably the most destitute area on the planet. There is drought, famine, homelessness on an epic scale and warring factions that need nothing more than direction and stability. In many parts of the world the overarching reason why there was fighting was because there were so little resources to go around, subsequently it was "Every man for himself".
Here is my plan. We need jobs. Africa needs...well everything. Why not accomodate them and us at the same time. In order for us to have jobs we need someone to buy or use our products and services. I can't think of a better if not in an alruisitc sense project to work on.
Africa needs infrastructure- we'll build thier roads.
Africa needs food- We'll give them food. Release our American farmers to grow in areas that have long since been laid fallow because we are trying to artificially keep prices low.
Africa Needs Water. Desalinazation- We can build the largest desalinization plant and system the world has ever seen.
Africa needs energy- We can build them a new energy grid.
Africa needs Technology- Bill Gates get out your checkbook and pen. We can use our American know-how to help them leap forward. Can you imagine cellular towers, cable underground feeds, Electric grids erected?
Africa needs housing- millions of new homes could begin in earnest. The building boom would last for literally generations with no end in sight.

The rest of the list could fill not only this page but volumes as the basic building blocks of a society are put into place.
Now if only others would see this simple solution to a US and global problem. If we don't do it...someone else will.
Who would pay for all of this?
Africa sits on the some of the largest oil, mineral and gas reserves on the planet. Contractors and private entities could negotiate their pay with African governement officials to get paid through this countries natural resources. It is a win-win for everyone. America gets to go back to work and Africa gets to become a viable partner in the future world stage. We get immediate money and a future trading partner, they get to come out of 3rd world poverty and become a major force on the world stage.

Operation African

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