Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Persistence Pays Off

In this weeks saga of the ongoing triligy of the Ray Chronicles we will take a look at how persistence, in the face of adversity, always pays off. In this case the story is about the "Lovely Mrs Ray".
Linda has been the most loyal employee of a yet to be named design firm in the Las Vegas valley. She has studied and shlept around after a very talented designer for many years. Never has she gotten the true credit that she had deserved for her contributions in their company.

Project after project has allowed her to hone her skills not only as a designer but as a true leader in the field. When the specter of her leaving the design team came up, many of the employees told her that her talents would really be missed if she were to leave the company. Truth be told, Linda's talents have not yet really matured because of the overshadowing talents of her partner. He really is talented.

Well, fast forward. Linda decided that it was time to start her own company. We submitted all the right paperwork and vioula la we are now Linda Ray Design. No sooner had we hung out the proverbial shingle than we landed a small but greatful client. On the same day as we were speaking with the first client, we were informed about another. And within a few days we were offered the possibility of working with an investment firm, who promise they will keep us up to our eyeballs in work!!!

This is almost too good to be true. As we were driving home from our meeting with the investors I turned to Linda and said, "God is really rewarding us for our faithfulness". She said, "Boy I wish I hadn't complained so much during the whole time."

The great thing about God is that He understands that we are all human. We are whiners and complainers and frail and all that stuff but there are those that are sincerely just voicing their hurt and frustration. That is my Linda. She is the greatest and that is why I love her.

Here's to Linda Ray Design. May God look down on this business and use it to glorify Himself.

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