Sunday, December 12, 2010

See the Ship Sailing

The Lovely Mrs Ray and I have decided that we are going to plan for our future. One of the things that WE'VE decided to do is plan on moving to Florida in the next 3 years and open a business down there. We're extremely happy and expectant about the upcomeing move. So this is what we've done.
First of all we decided that we would start positioning ourselves for the move. That means selling everything that we don't plan of taking and lightening our financial load here in Vegas.
That's not what I want to relate to you but everything is relational. So I put my beloved 1998 Ford F-150 in the paper. I entitled the add Red Hot Chilli Pepper and within 5 hours I had 5 offers for my truck. I was almost panicking because I love my truck. When I say that I love my truck you must understand this, I bought that dear sweet truck as a present for myself upon graduating from 5 years of schooling. So only 2 people have ever driven my truck and only a handful of people have ever even washed her either. I have never had a bit of trouble with her, so it is hard for me to even think that I would ever sell her.
I called one of the guys on the list and he came over to see her. Before I walked out the door I made sure that I put some business cards in my pocket. I figured that if this guy didn't buy my truck I would at least tell him about the opportunity I could give him.
After test driving the truck Fadi, the guy looking to buy my truck kind of hymmed and hawd about it being a stick shift and how his son, whom he wanted to purchase the truck for, wouldn't be able to handle the mechanics. I went into pivot mode and started to tell him about where Linda and I wanted to move and how we had started a new business and all. I was being as sincere as I could be. I knew that the truck was probably going to be a bust so why not tell him about my business.

Count Me In

Fadi is a business man. He already has a business and so he recognized the potential of my business from the first mention of it. He is from Lebanon and for the past numbe of years has tried to build his own business in the Vegas valley. The reason why I know that he got it was that he tried to contact me about the opportunity 3 times the rest of the day. He even tried to contact me the following day. I was really stoked. He told me that not only was he really super interested in the business but that he had already started speaking with other people who like wise might be able to get involved. We call these kind of people RED APPLES. These are the kind of people who are so ripe for the right opportunity that you don't have to try and convince them about your opportunity. They already see it and know it will work. Fadi didn't know how to make money yet and yet he was sold.
Why is it that foreigners come over to this country and are able to amass fortunes in such a short time and we Americans, the smartest a brightest, most industriours people on the planet are barely able to eek out an existence in the country where we were born? I am truly amazed that some people get it right off the bat and Americans have to see the ship sailing before they believe it will even float.
I spoke to my dad about this same opportunity and bless his heart, he still doesn't see it. I told him, if you could buy land now, knowing what you know about  present, would you buy as much as you could? It was a backdoor attempt at getting him to see the opportunity of my business. I went on to say, that I was going to make a million dollars no matter who else wanted to but that I wanted My Family to prosper. He still needs more time to think about it. Most of us have been presented with crazy opportunities to become part of billion dollar companies or multi-million dollar ideas and have passed them up. I have a friend who passed on Google and Starbucks, any one of those would have made him crazy rich. Now what about you? Are you going to continue to sit on the sidelines of life and watch others take the chances and reap the harvest of untold millions or are you going to get into the game of life and take your swings at everything that looks and feels promising?
The sure thing is this. If you shoot for the stars and miss it it is better than shoot for poop and catching it.

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