Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Under Promise and Really Over Deliver

Wildly successful entrepreneurs have a knack for giving their customers the very best that they could never have expected. In their world, the expected is for the rest of the crowd. They are here to give you what you don’t expect.

Let me illustrate this with a short example. When you order a hamburger at some local greasy spoon, you expect, well, a hamburger. When you order a pair of shoes at the local shoe store, you expect a pair of shoes. The shoes we’ll leave for another illustration but let’s deal with the hamburgers since I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. You get home, wolf down the hamburger, while wearing your standard pair of loafers and all is well. That is of course unless you have purchased your burger from the guy who over delivers on your order.

This is no ordinary burger. 

It is a hand-select Kobe beef burger. Not only do you get a burger but you get the prime cut of beef, taken from the choice selected cow. Not only did this cow look good but it was feed only the best ingredients, to produce the best beef taste. Your burger is the best of the best and that’s not even counting the toppings. I may not finish this article because I’m really, really getting hungry now.

The toppings are not just lettuce. This is arugula lettuce, taken from the greenest, most tastiest part of the plant. Sourced from the best farmers who only use native virgin harvesters (an over-statement but you get the idea). The mayo isn’t some store-bought off the shelf variety. No, it is produced much like a perfumer would create a perfect scent. An intricate balance between soft and sweet, pungent and acid. This is Chef “Voila” select highbrow gourmet velvet pesto… If it says pesto, you know it must be good.

Successful entrepreneurs NEVER under deliver. 

They always give you the best that there is. They have a knack for getting the best out of a product or service and in turn deliver it to their customers and friends. It is something in their DNA or it was ingrained in them. Now it is a part of who they are.

In a world of mediocre products, goods and services, it is the person who puts effort into delivering quality, that will be the one that will stand out in the crowd. It’s as if they are a light in a dark room. Their glow is so obvious, there is no mistaking them from their surroundings.

Keep this in mind, the next time you are working on a project. Are you really getting the best? Are you really putting forth your best effort? Is this the thing that you would be proud to put your name and reputation on? If so, then join the elite class of successful entrepreneurs that lead the field.

Sherman Ray

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

In The Beginning

In the Beginning...
Since this is our inaugural issue, I thought it would be appropriate to start with a short story about me and how Black Success Magazine came to be.

My name is Sherman Ray. I’ve founded a lot of organizations and activities in my 50+years of life. Anything from a small business networking group to bag to school drives, even a classical car show to promote the businesses in my strip mall, you name it, I’ve done it.

It was when a group that I never really envisioned grew to over 2000 members that I decided to find a vehicle that would serve that group. The LV Black Business Directory started as just another networking group but one that was exclusively for minority-based business men and women in Las Vegas. Well to make a long story short, the LVBBD is now 4 years old and has upwards of 2200 business owners promoting their various items for sale or services for hire.

We had tried to create events and opportunities for our business owners to mix and mingle but like most things timing was off, people were too busy or some other excuse found its way into the dialogue, until one weekend when I was listening to a tape or television show. It occurred to me that there might be an opportunity to start a website  that would service my peeps. That weekend the Black Success Magazine was birthed. 

We’re just at the beginning of this thing but already people are interested in what we have to offer. In the coming months we will be rolling out all kinds of products and materials for our friends and partners who look through our pages. I hope you will become a frequent reader and share our articles and stories with your friends.

Sherman Ray

Publisher, Black Success Magazine