Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Always Republicans

This last few weeks have been the most immersive politically since I've been active within the party. A series of calls from the White house, a couple of emails from the White house. I even was able to meet the SBA Administrator Linda McMahon. To round out the events I along with a small group of agitators were privy to insider information on the State of Affairs here in Nevada by the RNC.

Why do I bring this up. It isn't just to say that I'm closer to the sweet spot politically than ever before. It is to say that during all of those meetings, there was something common to all of them. I was the only person of color in all of those meetings.

Now being a black man, it's pretty easy to pick me out in a crowd. I'm usually the one with all of the people glancing my direction trying to figure out, "Is he Niger Innis, or is he someone important". Needless to say, I am neither. I'm just a run of the mill black conservative, just like my ancestors before me, trying to make a difference. That is the point of this article.

You see blacks have always been a part of the Republican Party. ALWAYS!!! From the day that we as a people gained our freedom with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the ensuing War between the States, blacks first developed a sense of national identity within the Republican Party.

The first black members of congress were black republicans. The first black state mayors, republican, the first black senators, GOP, The first black governor Republican. The rich heritage of the black association with the Republican Party cannot be denied. It has all but certainly been forgotten. The history books have been either wiped clean of these truths or in the course of time the legacy of great black leaders within the Grand Ole Party has all but been forgotten.

So the next time you see a person of color in a Republican rally or at a conservative event, don't be so shocked. Many of their families, friends and relationships have all been as much of a part of the Republican Party as the guy next to him.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

On the Right Side of History

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As many of you may know, I founded the Nevada Republican Black Caucus as a way to educate, encourage and ultimately bring more blacks back to their historical roots within the Republican Party. As you can imagine, this has been a daunting task.

Historically, blacks have been On the Right Side of History but in the past few decades we have gone off the reservation. I'd like to remind my brothers and sisters of color the reason why we have and should continue to be On the Right Side of History.

There are marked differences between the historical Democrat Party and the historical Republican Party. There can be no mistaking the two groups. It is like night and day. Dry and wet. Black and white. If anyone, coming from a different planet were to given a prospectus on the two parties it wouldn't take him or her long to distinguish their differences and how they came to be. Why blacks who have historically been a part of the Republican Party are now predominately entrenched in the Democrat Party is what we will briefly discuss here today.

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On the Left Side of History

The Democrat Party can be characterized as being the following:
1800's-1960 absolutely racist- They fought in the civil war of 1861-1865 to keep slavery alive in the southern states.
They invented the KKK after the Civil War to keep blacks and non-blacks from voting Republican
They instituted Jim Crow Laws- to stop blacks from voting
They Created Poll taxes, Segregation, Lynchings and in one case closed down an entire school district to stop the intermingling of black and white children.
They fought against Voting Rights for Blacks
They fought against Citizenship Rights for Blacks
They fought against Freedom for Blacks.

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Democrat President Woodrow Wilson had the first screening of the KKK film "A Birth of A Nation" in the White house

Democrats during the 1920 Democrat National Convention walked out in mass because blacks were allowed to speak.
Established Roe v Wade the historic Abortion Rights Case
Fought Against Civil Rights marchers (Bull Connor)
Fought against integration in schools (Gov. George Wallace)
Established a system of segregation throughout the South whose effects can still be felt to this day.
Fought for LGBTQ Rights
Defeated DOMA
Ushered in Obama who amassed more debt in 8 years that all other Presidents combined
Anti small Government
Anti limited government  Spending
Anti border control and responsible immigration policy
Anti Military
Pro Abortion (which is the #1 Killer of African Americans)
Pro Gay Marriage
Defeated efforts to give parents school choice in education funding.
Lead the charge for the biggest expansion of Government with the takeover of the US healthcare system. (ObamaCare)
Started riots to stop US citizens from excersizing their rights to Free speech
Systematically trying to disarm US citizens in view of our 2 Amendment Rights to bear arms.

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On the Right Side of History

Established the Underground Railroad
Establish the Abolitionist movement
In 1854 was established as the anti-slavery Party
Fought and died to end slavery during the Civil War.
The first blacks elected to political office shortly after the Civil War we all Republican
Signed the Emancipation Proclamation
Signed the 13 Amendment to the Constitution (Ending Slavery)
Signed the 14th Amendment to the Constitution (giving US Citizenship to freed Slaves)
Signed the 15th Amendment to the Constitution (gave voting Rights to freed slaves)
Signed the Voting Rights Acts of 1957
Passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1961
Helped to fund many of the Historically Black Colleges
Passed the Suffrage Act allowing women to vote

The short list of landmark legislation and battles won by the Republican Party outline a cause for freedom and liberty for all people. These accomplishments cannot be underestimated. They serve as the pillars of black empowerment and freedom. Without even one of them blacks would not be able to function in American society with the freedoms we now enjoy. These same freedoms were all opposed by Democrat lawmakers and liberals. If the Democrats had gotten their way, Blacks would still be picking cotton on some plantation and the America we have today would not exist.
Our struggle is to keep the great advances which were fought and died for so many years ago.

Although blacks have left the Party of Lincoln, for the Party of Slavery, this does not diminish the great role black and white republicans have had in shaping America. It is up to us to help return blacks to The Right Side of History.

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